A Disaster Preparedness Plan Specially Prepared for

 StTropez Condominium Residents

1. First Things First :: Provide St. Tropez Ocean Condominium Office the following information in advance:

* You should always inform us your residency status, but especially during hurricane season (June - November) .

* Your plans for evacuation should there be a hurricane : .... do you plan on staying or vacating? If a mandatory evacuation is ordered, where will you go?

* Your cell phone number(s) and email address(es) .

* The name of someone who always knows your whereabouts .

* The name of someone locally that checks your home (if none, advise ‘none') .

* A key to your Unit and any automobiles left in St. Tropez Ocean Condominium garage should be available to St. Tropez Ocean Condominium office .

2. Before the Storm:

* Designate a ‘safe room' free of windows (e.g., a closet or inside hallway). Include sleeping bags, pillows, and mattress to get underneath if your home suffers structural damage.
* Stay tuned to radio, TV and Internet for weather updates and any mandatory evacuation .
* Check your personal "survival kit" (see next section)
* Charge cell phone and extra batteries
* Charge camera and extra batteries
* Charge laptop and extra batteries .
* Charge portable TV and radio and extra batteries
* Have an old-style phone that does not need electricity (will work if telephone lines still up) .
* Refill prescriptions to have a supply on hand .
* Fill up the gas tank in your car, check oil and tires .
* Have cash on hand .

Inform St. Tropez Ocean Condominium Office, friends and family if you plan to stay or evacuate.

* Protect important papers in plastic envelopes, safes or off-site; have duplicates in another location:

- Driver's license

- Medical information

- Proof of ownership of your home

- Insurance policies

- Pictorial and listed inventory of your property

- Listing of important contracts
* Inform St. Tropez Ocean Condominium Office, friends and family if you plan to stay or evacuate.

3. Personal Preparedness:

Not every potential disaster situation requires evacuation. Whether you have to evacuate or not, it is prudent to prepare for personal needs with a properly stocked "survival kit " with the following:

* Cash and credit cards

* Four weeks supply of medications

* Written prescriptions for refills

* Special nonperishable dietary foods if needed

* Bottled water (smaller carry-around bottles and 5-7 gals. per person)

* Pillows, blankets, sleeping bag, or air mattress (blow up air mattress if necessary)

* Flashlight and batteries; extra batteries!

* Portable TV, radio and batteries

* Cell phone ( TIP! even old deactivated cell phones may be able to call ‘911'; check it out first)

* Camera (+film, batteries, memory capacity, etc.)

* Laptop computer

* Extra clothing and shoes

* Eyeglasses

* Duct tape and heavy duty extension cords

* Insect repellant

* First aid kit

* Water purification tablets

* Books, quiet games, cards

* Toys for children if appropriate

* Groceries, such as:

- Bread, crackers

- Peanut butter, jelly

- Cookies, snacks

- Canned fruit

- Canned meat and fish

- Dried fruit

- Canned beverages

- Fruit drinks, water

- Plastic ware

- Paper plates and cups

- Paper towels and napkins; wet naps or baby wipes

- Plastic trash bags

- Can opener (manual)

4. Staying in Your Home:

If an evacuation is ordered, the earlier you do so, the better. Traffic becomes heavier longer you wait. However, if circumstances are such that remaining in your home appears safe, make note of the following:

* Clean large containers and bathtubs to store water. Use duct tape to seal bathtub drain before filling up tub.

Figure about one gallon/day/person for cleaning and flushing toilets. Save large plastic bottles for this purpose. 

* Use your freezer to put several plastic jugs of water in it to freeze. Set fridge and freezer settings to highest possible in case power is lost. Open freezer door infrequently as possible to food/ice will last if no electricity.

* If flooding is anticipated, turn off electricity at the main breaker. Know where this is ahead of time.

* If electric power is lost, turn off the main circuit breaker and individual breakers as well. Once power is restored, to prevent a power surge that may damage appliances, computers and other equipment, first turn on the main breaker and then the individual breakers.

* If using a small generator the directions must be carefully followed. Do not run it in an enclosed space or under an eave. Exhaust and carbon monoxide can enter your home and kill or injure everyone inside. Same for BBQ' not use indoors or on balcony/lanai.

* Prepare food a few days in advance that does not require refrigeration in case of power loss.

* Have materials on hand to soak up water that may penetrate window and door frames, including sliders.

* High winds will drive water in and around window frames and doors. Be prepared to deal with it.

* During the storm stay inside and away from windows. Open windows won't equalize pressure. Interior rooms are the safest. Venturing outside to test the wind is foolhardy. Not only can you not withstand hurricane force winds, but also a roof tile or coconut airborne at more than 100 miles per hour is a lethal missile. Stay inside!

* Keep tuned to weather advisories on your battery powered radio or TV. Do not venture out until an all clear is given. Remember, if the eye of a hurricane passes directly overhead, the wind may cease and the sun may shine briefly before the hurricane resumes with enormous and renewed intensity.

* Help each other as the good neighbors that we are. 

5. Evacuation:

Mandatory Evacuation means just that. If you don't leave , no one is going to their lives to come and rescue you. When the National Weather Service announces you are in the predicted path of a Category 3, 4 or 5 hurricane, you should consider evacuation mandatory, preferably at least 48 hours before the storm's arrival. Think out well in advance where you would go in case of evacuation. Issues to be considered in making this decision include the following:

* Check evacuation routes on the Dade County Emergency Management Web Site or .
* The earlier one evacuates the better. The roads become jammed, with traffic at a total halt, and the crush is greatest just as the storm arrives.
* Stay safe close to home or inland from the water. Seek out friends or family in such locations to help in the selection of a suitable site. Do not go farther than necessary but get away from the water. Efforts to flee north may be impossible with clogged highways.
* Travel should be in the daylight if at all possible and well in advance to beat the crush. Consider air travel away from the Florida area.
When evacuating:
* Take your ‘survival kit' items such as those listed above.
* Empty the refrigerator and freezer
* Take important documents:
- Driver's license
- Insurance policies
- Property inventory
- Proof of property ownership
- Passport

* Lock up Unit before departing be sure to take your front door key 

* REMEMBER: Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs and weapons are prohibited within emergency public shelters. Pets may not be allowed in emergency shelters for health and space reasons. Contact the local humane society for information on local animal shelters.

* Note that particular areas may have restricted re-entry to prevent injury and looting. Re-entry may only be allowed if an individual can prove ownership and identity.

6. People That Need Special Care:

The Dade County Division of Public Safety maintains a program through its Office of Emergency Management to provide special assistance to disabled individuals during an evacuation. Information and registration are available by calling 305-513-7700. Registration on a seasonal basis is required. Registration must be well in advance of hurricane season to ensure a spot at a Special Needs Shelter.  

7. Pet Survival:

Before the season begins:

* Prepare a pet disaster kit: medicines, food and water, litter and boxes for cats, can opener for food.

* Have a resource that lists motels/hotels on your route that allow pets. Books are available through AAA or local bookstores and .

* Make sure all your pets have current vaccinations. County license and rabies tags should be on collars. Keep their immunization records, medical and special needs lists and current pictures (with you in the pictures) on hand. Store the information in water-resistant containers. Make two sets of the information, one to accompany you and one to fasten to their carriers.

* Make sure that each pet has an appropriately sized carrier. Carrier should be big enough for your pet to stand up and turn around in. Airline-approved carriers tend to work best as they are more impact-resistant than crates.

* Each pet and each carrier should have proper identification. For your pets, microchips, license and rabies tags, and separate IDs on the collar should be used. Barrel IDs are appropriate IDs. A last minute, but very
effective, form of ID is to write all pertinent information on a strip of paper, seal the paper strip between two pieces of clear tape, and make a loop of the ID so the collar can slip through it.

* The barrel ID or emergency ID should contain the pet owner's name, address, and phone number, an out-of-state contact, a list of medications, and a list of any special needs.

* Leave pets home only as a last resort – never leave them tied up. Post a ‘pet alert' notice on your door indicating how many animals are inside. Put them in a room without windows but with ventilation, leaving a 3-day supply of food and water. Be sure pet is wearing its collar.

8. A Few Words about Tornadoes:

Hurricanes are the focus of this Disaster Preparedness Plan since they generally affect the widest areas and the most people. Further, there is generally enough advance warning to do something to protect person and property. However, tornadoes are more localized phenomena than hurricanes. A tornado is the most violent of nature's storms and may produce winds exceeding 200 miles per hour. If the National Weather Service issues a tornado watch, it means conditions are right for a tornado. Keep tuned to local radio or television for further bulletins. Move or secure loose objects that are outdoors. Plan what to do if there is an actual tornado warning :


* A poor place to be in a tornado is in a motor vehicle. Stop your vehicle and seek shelter elsewhere. Do not try to outrun the tornado in your car. A roadside ditch or ground depression may provide some protection if a better shelter is not immediately available.

* Inside your home, go to the innermost hallway on the ground floor or into an interior bathroom where the plumbing will help to hold the structure together.

* Do not open windows in an attempt to "equalize pressure" if a tornado is approaching. If a tornado gets close enough for a pressure drop to occur, the damage has already been done.

* Note: Tornadoes may be associated with hurricanes. They are usually located in right front quadrant of storms. On the bright side, SW Florida tornadoes are generally of less intensity than the Midwest .

9. Protection of Physical Property  

A. Common Elements:
The Association staff will oversee securing of common elements as noted below. Volunteers may be recruited in case of a tropical storm warning or hurricane warning. Coordinate the following precautionary measures with the St. Tropez Ocean Condominium Manager:

* Note: Tornadoes may be associated with hurricanes for heavy rains

- Turn off gas supply to heater and barbecues

- Place furniture and equipment in restrooms or chained together

- Turn off electrical circuits

- Lock doors

* Water systems

- Turn off power to irrigation systems

- Clear storm gutters, canal weir gates (The Landings' responsibility) and inlets of obstructions

* Landscaping

- Remove loose landscaping materials

* Put lightweight trash containers in enclosed areas

* Be sure the resting elevators are on the top floor not the lobby (Note: If the building is on generator power, only the service elevator is operational; the demand will be heavy, so plan and keep to essential trips only.) 

- The St. Tropez Ocean Condominium manager and maintenance supervisor will, when possible, coordinate post-storm inspections and needed repairs of common elements and mechanical systems. The Manager will communicate with members of the Board, government officials, consultants, contractors and insurance adjusters as soon as practicable.
The Manager and other staff off ice number is (305) 864-2030 and will strive to facilitate communication with members. However....  In the event the St. Tropez Ocean Condominium office is not able to operate or communicate because of phone lines down or other damage or inaccessibility, St. Tropez Ocean Condominium security may be contacted during such times at 305-864-3700. Whether to the St. Tropez Ocean Condominium office or Security, please limit calls during the first 24 hours following a storm to allow personnel to assess damage and take immediate actions to secure the property. 

B. Personal Property:
It is never too early to take preventive measures to protect and secure property from wind and water damage. Well-designed and installed hurricane shutters are probably the best protection

IMPORTANT! If you plan to be absent for more than 48 hours during the hurricane season, unsecured objects on porches, patios and lanais (e.g., chairs, tables, lamps, potted plants, wall decorations, bicycles, etc.) must be placed inside to prevent damage caused by them becoming flying objects. You are responsible for any damage!
* Inventory the contents of your home and document the inventory with photographs or video.

* Keep copies of important records and documents stored in a safe location such as a bank safe deposit box and copied to you computer hard drive.

* Once a tropical storm forms insurance carriers prohibit changes to coverage.

* Be sure to ask your insurance agent about Loss Assessment Coverage.

10. Carrying out the Plan during a Storm  

- Completing preparations before hurricane season is by far the most prudent approach. When the storm is imminent it is a poor time to begin emergency preparations.

- Once prepared and informed, you will be better able to cope with unexpected calamities.

- A few reminders about things to do and not to do:

* Pull out all electrical plugs if there is any danger of flooding/water intrusion
* If you remain in your home, avoid windows and doors
* Forget hurricane parties and keep a clear head. Remaining alert is critical in life-threatening situations.
* If you evacuate, do so early and in daylight hours. Try to avoid major highways.
* Be calm and help those around you.
* Do not go outside until advisories are issued that the storm has passed. Do not be fooled by the temporary calm that occurs when the storm's eye passes directly overhead.
* Identify a window or door away from the direction of the wind to use as an emergency exit if necessary.
* When you do go outside, be very careful of downed power lines. Although some power cables are underground, there are places where power lines are above ground. Be particularly careful about puddles and fallen trees. A live wire may be concealed beneath them.
* Walk outside cautiously after the storm has passed. Poisonous snakes and insects may infest our area.
* If you have telephone service, including cell coverage, limit use as much as possible and to emergencies only.
* Use of your car may be very hazardous because of fallen trees and power lines. Bridge structures may be weakened by washouts.
* Do not use tap water for drinking until you know it is safe. Use emergency supplies you have set aside or boil water before drinking.
* Be extremely cautious about use of an open flame and the hazard of fire. Water pressure may be low and the area may be inaccessible to firefighters.
* Barbeques must not be used inside or within 10 feet of any building because of the risk of fire and carbon monoxide accumulation.
* A refrigerator will remain cool only for a few hours after a power loss so be cautious about spoiled food. Freezers may keep food for several days if not opened.
* If power is lost, turn circuit breakers off until power is restored. Then turn main on first.

11. Communication with members of the Association:
Everyone must realize communication will be restricted. Management and those addressing the situation will not have time or ability to respond to phone calls from each member. E-mail has proven to be invaluable. It can provide communication with hundreds of people immediately in a timely manner. Written reports, requests and information can be provided by mail but can be out of date even before it is received. It is understood owners will be concerned about their individual Unit, but the, but the focus of management must be concentrated on the larger overall welfare of the association and building structure.

Please feel free to contact the Property Manager Ileana Lopez at 786-402-1844

If someone is still on site, we will arrange for a central notice location; probably the mail box area. We will put a sign at the level ‘A' entrance to building indicating where all messages can be left and read. This will likely be the bulletin board area on level ‘B'. As usual, only the Manager or Board should post ‘official notices' in the Association section of the bulletin board area. Residents can leave messages for those that may be looking for them and vice-versa on the appropriate section of the bulletin boards. Be sure to provide accurate information since rumors can spread rapidly and create unnecessary panic or worry. 

12. The Role of FEMA:

In the aftermath of a federally declared disaster, FEMA's Individuals and Households Program (IHP) provides assistance to people in the United States or its territories whose property has been damaged or destroyed, and whose losses are not covered by insurance. In order to be considered for any form of IHP assistance, the affected home must be the primary residence, the home must be located within the declared disaster area, and the applicant must be a United States citizen, a non-citizen national, or a qualified alien. To apply for assistance, individual residents within a designated federal disaster area must call FEMA's Registration Intake line at 1-800-621-3362.

Individual residents of homeowner and condominium associations are eligible to apply for assistance under our Individual Assistance (IA) program, which provides individuals and families with the financial resources they need to make minimal repairs to their primary residences or to obtain safe temporary housing while extensive damages to their homes are repaired. IA also allows for the replacement of essential personal property. 

FEMA's Public Assistance Program provides assistance to State and local governments, as well as certain private non-profit organizations (PNP), with their response to and recovery from Federal disasters. Privately owned associations, such as condominium associations, are not eligible to apply for assistance under this program for damages to their common areas.

13. Miami Beach Municipal Parking Garages will Open for Residential Parking

The City will open al its municipal parking garages for residential parking free of charge, as available, during a state of emergency. However, the elevators will not be operational. For more information, call the Parking Department at 305-673-7505

14. Evacuation Pick-up Sites to Red Cross Shelters for Miami Residents

The City of Miami Beach will begin evacuation procedures as soon as there is an evacuation order from the state and county. If you have not made prior arrangements to stay somewhere off of the island, the City urges residents to go to one of the twenty-one (21) evacuation pick-up sites to Red Cross hurricane shelters. Miami Dade Transit buses will provide free transportation to the mainland shelters. Remember that no pets will be allowed to go to the shelters. Take with you a blanket, pillow and an overnight bag with essential personal items such as prescription drugs.

These sites are not Hurricane Shelters, only Miami Beach MTA bus pick-up locations to Shelter in the

North Beach area:

Sherry Frontenac Hotel, 6565 Collins Avenue

Collins Avenue & 65 Street

Collins Avenue & 76 Street

Collins Avenue & 81 Street

Normandy Pool, 7030 Trouville Esplanade 71 Street & Rue Versailles

North Shore Park , 72 Street & Byron Avenue 79 Street & Hawthorne

Biscayne Elementary 800-77 Street

St. Joseph 's School, 8625 Byron Avenue

North Bay Village Synagogue, N Treasure Drive & Hispanola


15 . Emergency Information Numbers

AMERICAN RED CROSS (305) 644-1200

ANIMAL SERVICES: (305) 232-1100

Dade County Humane Society: (305) 696-0800



City of Miami Beach - Answer Center : answer center: (305) 604-CITY

Dade County City Hall (305) 673-7000


Dade County : (305) 468-5900/305-468-5402


Miami Beach Fire Department: 911 OR Non-Emergency (305) 673-7123

Miami Dade Police: 911 OR Non-Emergency (305) 673-7900


HOPE HOSPICE: (800) 835-1673


Miami Heart Institute: (305) 672-1111

Mount Sinai Medical Center : (305) 674-2121

South Shore Hospital (305) 672-2100


Elder Affairs: (800) 963-5337 

Federal Emergency Management Admin. (FEMA): (800) 621-3362  

Florida Hurricane Hot Line: (800) 342-3557 

National Weather Service: (813) 645-2323 

Missing Persons: (866) 438-4630 [must be missing 72 hours]


Comcast Cable: (800) COMCAST [266-2278]

Florida Power & Light (FPL): (800) 4OUTAGE [468-8243]

Dade Utilities: (239) 332-6855

Dade County Electric Co-Op: (239) 995-2121

Sprint: Repair (800) 788-3600 OR (800) 339-1811

City Gas: (305) 693-4311

People's Gas: (305) 305-940-0139

For Additional Information visit or call 305-604-city/voice to request material in accessible format, sign language interpreter or information on access for persons with disabilities

The individual owners are responsible fir the following in their units:

•  Floor, wall and ceiling covering

•  Electrical fixtures

•  Appliances

•  Air conditioning or heating equipment

•  Water heater

•  Water filters

•  Built-in cabinets and countertops

•  Window treatments, including curtains, drapes, blinds and hardware.

Owner should make sure their condo insurance pays for such items if damaged during a storm

As well as their furnishings.

They should also make sure their insurance policy has:

•  A provision that the insurance company will help pay if the association has to impose a special assessment to make repairs after a hurricane.

•  Coverage for the policy holders to stay elsewhere if their condo in uninhabitable after a storm.


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Hurricane Preparation Checklist